
sweet dreams are made of...

last night i had the craziest longest dream i can remember.

i dreamt that i was at present age and had gone to visit my family for the weekend. somehow, i found out that my mom had traveled to europe before i was born, had an affair with a russian prince she met at versailles castle, gotten pregnant with me, and came back to the states to marry my real life father. she had led both of us to believe that were biological father & daughter.
i'm pretty sure that i didn't watch anything strange before going to sleep last night...except maybe Lost...? it possibly could have been the whole 'Ben & Alex' story maybe??
the weirdest part of the dream as usual, was how absolutely real it felt. in my sleep i was flooded with emotions because 'i knew' i had been adopted or that i somehow didn't belong to my parents. i have dreams that feel SO real that i've cried so hard i've woken my self up. its ridiculous.
my mom was 24 when i was born, but in this dream she had me at 19 years old, while she was in college and my dad was 24. also, no one but my mother's friend ramona knew that she went to europe and had met this russian prince. my 'father' the prince had been killed at 42, as printed in an obituary my mother was crying over, when i found out the story. i popped over to russia, met my grandmother the queen, and was suppose to be trained to be the next in line- which is straight out of Disney's Princess Diaries.
so i wonder if i should tell my parents about this one...


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