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really, really neato site for keeping photos & videos organized...i'll be expirementing.
really, really neato site for keeping photos & videos organized...i'll be expirementing.
" dear readers
It is with very heavy hearts that we say farewell. Over the last 4 years, in 28 issues, we have done our best to create a great magazine. We started with a real idea—that style is for everyone—and tried to carry it out with stories that provide inspiration and empower you to act on it. From your tremendous response, we know that we were onto something. In this tough economy, however, we simply weren't able to get the advertising support we needed.
As domino evolved, we never lost sight of our original democratic premise. Looking back at the manifesto we published in the premiere issue, the first tenet of domino is still the truest: Home should make you happy. We hope we have played a part in making this come true for you.
Love, All the editors of domino "
i could watch this a thousand times
saturday night (still in the pouring rain) we trekked out to wild wings cafe out in farragut with tim & meredith. some band was playing, which made the 30 minute wait seem shorter. they had decent food, but overall maybe a little too much of an older/biker crowd for us.wild wings with tim & mer
my neighbors:
the couple in 203 are newlyweds and have two dogs, a his and hers set. i think that one is some kind of miniature boxer mutt and the other looks like a white rat. they have peculiar schedules and i almost never see the wife in broad daylight. because of that, ive only ever greeted the husband with a 'hey' by the mailboxes or a 'hi' in the parking lot.
204 is shared by a mother & son couple, seriously. they both moved it around the beginning of september, he's from Wisconsin and she's from north carolina. both have spouses that are living in other states, who do actually visit from time to time and take my parking space. she is a middle school teacher and he doesnt seem to have a regularly scheduled job, other than frequenting the complex gym. reid found out that he's a huge Packers fan and that he's here to live with his mom because he lost his job back up north. she has a little jack russell, who HAS to be mute because i thankfully, have never heard him bark.
remember in college when you could always hear everything your roommates were doing in the tiny space you had to share? well 206 is like a page out of the "what not to do in college: if you have roommates" chapter of a student handbook. seriously, i've heard fights, late night drunken parties, video game playing, heels clacking while getting ready before a night out, slamming kitchen cabinets at 3am, everything (you name it) that i've tried to avoid by renting a townhouse. inevitably, there will be some college aged people in an apartment complex, but usually not like this. i assume that my neighbors are a female and male who are just friends but living together. he is the only one i've ever seen leave the house in 'student attire.' she has never spoken to me, but likes to smoke while walking her chihuahua rat out in front of the building. i think she is some kind of waitress or holds a job in a restaurant judging by her all black and non-skid-shoe wardrobe. her tv has been waaaaaaaay too loud several times, as well as his video game playing. i've only actually gone over there once to tell them to shut up and threatened to call the cops. mostly because we had to drive 5 hours the next day, after a full day of work, and i couldn't be bothered to stay awake listening to their horrible conversations and guitar playing at 4 am.
a nice man with a 4 year old boy who visits on the weekends lives in 207. he actually works at the liquor store right down the street. he always says hi, but i dont know much else about them. i always want to ask if he can hear 206 as loud as i can. maybe someday.
now that it has come & gone so fast, and i have to work every day, ALL week...
over the holidays, reid & i went to visit marshall in his new place downtown memphis he took us to eat at bigfoot - one block away from marshall's place & the peabodythe memphis redbirds stadium
it was a super windy day. we miss you marshall!
friends claire & lauren from the boro and austin, tx came in town saturdaywe went out to eat at wasabi for caroline's 25thand celebrated at barley's taproom & pizzeria
Read more...with friends meredith & tim
we spent NYE at the parents lake house
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