Hi, I'm Murphy.
gone home with his new family
met miss kate, leon's mom
i seriously think i'm going to just delete my account.
i haven't updated in about a week.
can you get kicked off for that???
do you twitter?
i love chelsea handler. not only does her name ROCK, she's hilarious.chelsea lately...it comes on E! every night at 11pm eastern. watch it, i promise you'll laugh.
i'm sure you've seen the zoloft commercials with the little white blob
well that's me. i've been the white, pasty blob lately.
sorry for being terrible about updating.
i have a ton of attempted posts and drafts that i never published, so i promise to get back in the routine asap.
my uncle barry passed away at the end of february and i guess getting back to my normal self hasn't happened as fast as i thought it would. the weather hasn't helped either (until this week).
it seriously rains for 5 days straight.
okay i have officially been sucked into the twitter world.
that does not mean that i actually like it.
i guess i dont really understand what all the hype is. 'updates' are my least favorite part of facebook, and that seems to be all twitter is.
today on ellen, zach braff said he doesn't get twitter either. he put it in the most perfect words. {skip to around 2:50}
follow me on twitter
i work at nbc, so of course i have a tv in my office (its always on unless i leave for longer than 15 minutes) and i catch some ellen about everyday. today i made sure stick around to watch this.
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